Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
A DGS crime zine
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: A DGS crime zine is a mini zine centered around the protagonists and side characters of Dai Gyakuten Saiban, or The Great Ace Attorney, planning, committing or getting arrested for crimes of varying severity!The zine will contain major DGS spoilers due to the nature of its subject matter.There will be a trigger and content warning for blood and moderate depictions of violence due to the nature of the crimes we are representing.
This zine will be free and digital.It will be completely safe-for-work: no suggestive or sexual content is allowed. Excessive gore is not allowed either, however moderate blood and violence are allowed.We may offer digital merch if the interest check is in favor of it.There will be no applications phase: the zine will be guest-only. All guests will be 13+. Do not be disappointed, we may host events centered around crime for non-contributors to enjoy!The crimes represented in the zine do not have to be canon-compliant: while canon gives us much to work with, you can include AU or headcanon crimes.The culprits do not have to be official culprits either: you can have Ryuunosuke or Susato doing a little shoplifting if you’d like!
Event | Date |
Zine announcement | February 16 |
Interest check | March 4 - April 5 |
Guest announcement | April 12 |
Pitch assignments | April 26 |
First check-in | May 26 |
Second check-in | June 26 |
Hard deadline | July 10 |
Zine release | Early September |
Head Mod: Sigma

This is the first zine I have ever run, and I'm excited to explore the depth of Tokyo and London's criminal underworlds! Let's have a rollicking good time!
@deadlysinsofev1 on Twitter (private account)
Art Mod: Myco

Multifandom Multicellular Mycelium
@Mycoooot on Twitter
Writing Mod: Ellory

Okay! My name is Ellory. I'm a freelance writer and zine creator/contributor. You can see my experience hereI love exploring crime and can't wait to help make this project a reality.
Layout Mod: Feiyu

Heyo! I'm Fei, a mixed-media artist and long time AA fan. holds van zieks in my hands...
I can be found here!
Q: What kind of zine will this be?
A: A free, digital PDF including some digital merch.Q: Can I apply for this zine?
A: This zine is invite only, so there will not be contributor applications.Q: How will contributors be compensated?
A: Since this is a free, digital zine, there will be no monetary or physical compensation. Anyone we invite is free to reject the position.Q: Will ships be allowed?
A: That will be determined by the interest check. Still, they will not be the main focus of the zine.Q: What about AUs?
A: Again, it will depend on the interest check.Q: Will there be NSFW in this zine?
A: Absolutely not, not even suggestive content. Please respect this decision as some of our guests and one of the mods are minors.Q: In case ships get allowed, will proship content be included?
A: No. We won’t be taking any questions about this decision.